9 products
PREMIUM GARDEN SOIL - PICK-UP SANTA FEPREMIUM GARDEN SOIL - PICK-UP SANTA FEVendor:Our choice for raised beds. Added aeration for even higher yields of flowers and vegetables
- Regular price
125.00 / CUBIC YARD - Regular price
- Sale price
ENRICHED TOPSOIL - PICK-UP SANTA FEENRICHED TOPSOIL - PICK-UP SANTA FEVendor:formulated for directly planting flowers, vegetables, trees, shrubs or lawns
- Regular price
100.00 / CUBIC YARD - Regular price
- Sale price
SOILUTIONS COMPOST - PICK-UP SANTA FESOILUTIONS COMPOST - PICK-UP SANTA FEVendor:New Mexico's #1 choice for building healthy, sustainable, regenerative soil.
- Regular price
84.00 / CUBIC YARD - Regular price
- Sale price
FOREST FLOOR MULCH - PICK-UP SANTA FEFOREST FLOOR MULCH - PICK-UP SANTA FEVendor:a combination of chipped and ground woody materials + 10% compost to jumpstart microbial activity
- Regular price
70.00 / CUBIC YARD - Regular price
- Sale price
NATIVE MULCH - PICK-UP SANTA FENATIVE MULCH - PICK-UP SANTA FEVendor:designed to protect healing soils from erosion in New Mexico's harsh environment
- Regular price
63.00 / CUBIC YARD - Regular price
- Sale price
PLAYGROUND MULCH - PICK-UP SANTA FEPLAYGROUND MULCH - PICK-UP SANTA FEVendor:Soft enough for bare feet and able to help protect against the inevitable hard fall
- Regular price
75.00 / CUBIC YARD - Regular price
- Sale price
PECAN SHELLS - PICK-UP SANTA FEPECAN SHELLS - PICK-UP SANTA FEVendor:a great alternative to gravel in xeriscape design
- Regular price
75.00 / CUBIC YARD - Regular price
- Sale price
PREMIUM GARDEN SOIL - PICK-UPPREMIUM GARDEN SOIL - PICK-UPVendor:Our choice for raised beds. Added aeration for even higher yields of flowers and vegetables
- Regular price
108.00 / CUBIC YARD - Regular price
- Sale price
PLAYGROUND MULCH - PICK-UPPLAYGROUND MULCH - PICK-UPVendor:Soft enough for bare feet and able to help protect against the inevitable hard fall
- Regular price
61.00 / CUBIC YARD - Regular price
- Sale price