5 Reasons to Add Compost to Your Lawn

5 Reasons to Add Compost to Your Lawn

Adding compost to your lawn is an essential part of supporting the soil under your grass. Compost adds organic matter as a nutrient source, and is a great way to promote the health of your grass without the use of chemical fertilizers. Compost is a soil conditioner which improves everything from soil compaction, water retention, soil structure, aeration and much more.  Quality compost is full of organic material which is critical to soil health. As a bonus, compost is the most natural form of recycling and is as good for your plants as it is for our planet!

Here are 5 reasons why you should add compost to your yard before winter arrives:

  1. Helps Keep Grass Roots Strong Over the Winter and boost growth in the Spring: The added source of energy Soilutions Compost contributes to the root system of your lawn during the dormant winter season is advantageous for its health and longevity. Grassroots will use the nutrients that compost adds to the soil as it acts as a slow release fertilizer over the cooler months. It will also provide a boost of energy to your lawn once warmer temperatures arrive in the spring.
  2. Cooler Weather Helps with Absorption: Adding compost to your yard before the first freeze arrives is beneficial to next season’s lawn. Fall and early winter conditions means your yard has ample time to slowly absorb the compost and allow the microorganisms to do their work mixing the compost with the underlying soil. Compost will break down and assimilate with your soil during the cooler months so plant roots will be ready to use the nutrients come Spring.
  3. Compost Fights Against Thatch: Many lawns are prone to thatch build up in Autumn. Too much thatch prohibits the underlying root system of your lawn and can become so thick that it can choke out your grass.  Lawns with a lot of thatch don’t receive necessary water, oxygen and nutrients because they can’t reach the root zone. Adding compost to your yard will help decompose thatch over the winter making a healthier environment to support the overall health of your lawn.
  4. Fights Compacted Soils: One of the most common ways a lawn suffers is by being planted in compacted soil.  Hard clay soil, which is a challenge in our high desert environment, doesn’t support adequate growing conditions for lawns. Compacted soil is a difficult habitat for grassroots to thrive as there is little aeration and tilth. Soilutions Compost can help loosen compacted soils as it is absorbed into the upper layers of the soil over the winter months while your lawn is dormant.
  5. Eco-friendly way to care for your lawn & garden: One of the best reasons to add compost to your yard before winter is that it supports the environment by utilizing good gardening practices. Using compost is a great and effective way to support not only the global environment but your backyard environment as well. Using compost, especially locally made Soilutions Compost is a great way to help fight greenhouse gasses right here in ABQ!  Find out more about our company and composting practices here.

Topdressing a Lawn